Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324 12pmTUESDAY, JUNE 15
PROGRAM # 9288 12:00 PM PDT

Immigration Edition.

As the Biden administration and Congress negotiate what’s to be included in the jobs and infrastructure package, faith leaders and immigrant advocates begin a summer of action with dozens fasting around the country urging Congress to include a path to citizenship for millions of immigrant families in the budget reconciliation process. Two leading participants in the fasting talk about the renewed political battle for the Dream Act on the ninth anniversary of DACA, and the effort to impact the vote of communities of faith for immigration reform. On another topic, families separated by immigration policies meet for a few heartbreaking minutes at the border in an annual event convened by local advocates called Hugs Not Walls. This year’s event coincides with Juneteenth, a national holiday that celebrates the anniversary of the full emancipation of slaves in the US, and draws a connection between the immigrant and the Black experience. A Catholic leader comments on this and on the new changes to immigration enforcement brought by the new administration, and VP’s Kamala Harris visit to Guatemala, where she attempted to discourage migration from refugees.

Guests: Rev. Vidal Rivas, Priest, Episcopalian Catholic Church, San Mateo Parish, Hyattsville, MD; Nanci Palacios, Deputy Director, Faith in Florida, Miami, FL; Rev. Mark J. Seitz, D.D., Bishop, Catholic Diocese of El Paso, TX.


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