Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324 12TUESDAY, MARCH 23
PROGRAM # 9204 12:00 PM PST

Immigration Edition.

Two Maya-Ixil human rights leaders who were forced to flee Guatemala in 2019 after receiving death threats and applied for political asylum in El Paso, have been released from ICE detention. One is a survivor of an Army massacre and a key witness in the case against General Efraín Ríos Montt who was convicted of genocide. They tell their story: why they fled Guatemala, the series of abuses they faced when crossing through Mexico, and how they were treated during their two-month detention by ICE. Their lawyer, a renowned expert on political asylum, puts this significant legal case in perspective. Also, after the House passed two bills giving Dreamers and farm workers a path to citizenship, a DACA recipient who is a leader in a business coalition urges talks about the important role Dreamers play in the US economy, especially in these days of pandemic and recovery.

Guests: Gaspar Cobo and Francisco Chávez, Mayan Community Leaders and Asylum Applicants, El Paso, TX; Carlos Spector-Calderón, Immigration Attorney, Advisor for “Mexicanos en el Exilio,” El Paso, TX; Juan Carlos Cerda, Director, Texas Business Immigration Coalition, Irving, TX

Photo: vimeo

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