Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324 12TUESDAY, MARCH 2
PROGRAM # 9183 12:00 PM PST

Immigration Edition.

A group of Democratic members of Congress introduced the Citizenship for Essential Workers Act, a legislation that would create a fast-track path to citizenship for over five million essential workers, including workers in health care, agriculture, meatpacking and public transit. On other news, the number of migrants and unaccompanied minors in federal custody has multiplied along the border. Officials reopened an overflow shelter in Texas to house them. Advocacy groups urged the Biden administration to allocate more resources to the border and close the shelters. They also urge to expand TPS to the victims of the recent hurricanes.

Guests: Lariza Dugan-Cuadra, Executive Director of CARECEN SF, San Francisco, CA; Juliana Cabrales, Director of Civic Engagement – Programs & Mid-Atlantic, NALEO Education Fund, Raleigh, NC; Rachel Micah-Jones, attorney and the Founder and Executive Director, Centro de los Derechos Migrante (CDM)

Photo: Joaquin Castro/Twitter

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