Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, JANUARY 12
PROGRAM # 9143 12:00 PM PST

Immigration Edition.

An automotive mechanic was incarcerated for more than a year and a half over his immigration status. He is now reunited with his wife and four kids after being released from detention due to high risk of Covid-19. What were the consequences of separation to his family and his community? This is a story about a family that went broke and traumatized after this deportation action. On another story, claiming that ICE escalated bullying and terror tactics during a major operation against sanctuary cities this year, immigrant advocates sued DHS and ICE to be allowed access to arrest records and related information for a number of ICE raids in sanctuary cities throughout the US and the way the agencies choose their “targets.” Finally, a legal analyst comments on the connotations of Trump’s visit to celebrate the border wall in Alamo, Texas, as a rallying cry for White “patriots,” the resignation of DHS’ Chad Wolf, and the reports about new migrant caravans being organized in Central America. Analysts comment on these and more stories.

Guests: René Ramirez Alatorre, Released Immigrant Detainee, Emma Mendoza, Wife of Released Detainee, Undisclosed Location, WA; Jose Chapa, Sr. Policy Associate, Immigrant Defense Project, Brooklyn NY; Willy Allen, Immigration Attorney,, Miami, FL

Photo: ASO CHLEF 1947/Facebook

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