Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324 9118TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15
PROGRAM # 9118 12:00 PM PST

Immigration Edition.

After a year and a half in immigration detention and afflicted by chronic medical conditions, Rene Ramírez Alatorre is free due to high risk of Covid-19 complications. In this interview, Ramírez talks about his life as a detainee and in solitary confinement in the Northwest Detention Center. On another topic, as coronavirus vaccine nears, local leaders are raising questions about accessibility and privacy for immigrants, uging the federal government to include undocumented immigrants in the vaccination plans and avoid sharing vaccine distribution information with immigration agencies. Finally, in a speech to immigrant advocates, Vice President-elect Kamala Harris talks about delivering an immigration bill and new DACA measures in their first 100 days in office. These and other topics are discussed in this edition.

Guest: René Ramírez Alatorre, Released Immigrant Detainee, Seattle, WA; Others TBA.


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