Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324 9111TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8
PROGRAM # 9111 12:00 PM PST

Immigration Edition.

In a major victory for Dreamers, a federal judge ordered the Trump administration to restore the DACA program and begin accepting both first-time and renewal applications. DHS is now complying and has just published an announcement accepting applications for first-time and renewals and permission to travel or advance parole. Also, two women who were detained by the Border Patrol for speaking Spanish in a store in Montana have settled a lawsuit with the Trump administration and the Border agent. The lawyer of the Latina US citizens talks about the outcome. On another story, activists in the Texas-Mexico border stage a caravan to draw attention to human rights violations against immigrants and border communities and advance a number of urgent immigrant-related proposals for the incoming Biden administration. A leader explains their petitions. Finally, an advocate pays tribute to veteran Houston-based activist María Jiménez, who died of cancer. She is recognized as a pioneer in the fight for human rights along the border communities and championing civilian oversight to stem rampant brutality and impunity in border security agencies. This program includes an archival interview segment and a corrido celebrating her memory.

Guests: Fernando Garcia, Executive Director, Border Network for Human Rights -BNHR, El Paso, TX; Samuel Cervantes, Research Associate,, Washington, DC; Daniel Galindo, Attorney, ACLU Immigrant Rights Project, New York, NY; (Archival Audio Segment) María Jiménez, Deceased Immigrant Rights Pioneer, Houston, TX; (Audio Segment) Trio Imperial, Corrido de ACA, Houston, TX.

Photo: Community Alliance/Twitter

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