Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324 12TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27
PROGRAM #9060 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

New Mexico has a large population of naturalized citizens, many of who naturalized after Donald Trump’s election. Now, they could sway the outcome of key elections in the state. Organizers are rallying this vote around issues such as health care, sick leave and economic relief for families impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. They comment on efforts to help first time voters to navigate the ballot. On other news, voting rights activists are trying to ensure that new laws restoring voting rights to people with felony convictions in Nevada and Florida are fully enforced and help enfranchise former prisoners. In Florida, community groups are raising funds to help former prisoners pay fines and legal debts so they can vote. Guests commentators also report their observations on the record turnout of voters in New Mexico, Nevada and Florida.

Guests: Fabiola Landeros, Organizer, El CENTRO Poder y Acción, Albuquerque, NM; Maria Elena Romano, Community Organizer, Somos Acción, Hobbs, NM; Zulema Chavero, Community Organizer, Somos Acción, Santa Fe, NM; Yvanna Cancela, State Senator, Senior Nevada Advisor for Biden for President, Las Vegas, NV; Yraida Guanipa, Founder and President, YG Institute, Miami FL

Photo: Valle del Sol of New Mexico/Facebook

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