Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324 12TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6
PROGRAM #9030 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

After reports about upcoming ICE raids targeting California and other sanctuary states in the middle of a pandemic, California Governor’s office called on all Californians to know their rights and immigrant groups placed local rapid response networks in a state of alert. An advocate shares resources with those who may be affected by the raids. In addition, a congressman and doctor comments on President Trump’s decision to return to the White House still in an infectious state, remove his face mask, announce that there is no need to fear Covid, and refuse to do contact tracing in an alleged super-spreading event inside the White House. He also comments about the top-notch medical care received by the president even when he had the option of protecting himself, compared to the limited health care that essential workers receive when they are infected despite protecting themselves. Finally, the mayor of a city with a large Salvadoran population speaks of the support that the city is providing to local families who are in limbo because they may lose TPS protection. The program also includes a story about how contrary to the official version, it was vice president Pence, and not health care officials, the one who ordered the CDC to use its emergency powers to seal the US-Mexico border and expel 150,000 adults and children, without any evidence this measure would stop Covid spread.

Guests: Rep. Dr. Raul Ruiz, D-Coachella, CA; Sandhya Nadadur, Policy Analyst for Detention & Deportation, California Immigrant Policy Center, Sacramento, CA; Victor Martinez, Mayor Pro Tem, Mendota, CA.


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