Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29
PROGRAM #9021 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

Civil rights leader Dolores Huerta gives her perspective on the Trump administration’s refusal to obey a court order and continue the Census count until the end of October. She also gives her views on the passing of Supreme Court judge Ruth Ginsburg and the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett, and on the prospective topics for today’s presidential debate. A civic leader comments on the revelations that Donald Trump didn’t pay taxes for ten years, despite reporting an 400-million plus income, the presidential debate, and the efforts to get out young Latino voters in battleground state Arizona. And a union organizer talks about an upcoming rally in front of the White House to call attention to the war on immigrants and the raising cost of the Covid-19 pandemic among unprotected Latino essential workers. He also talks about a campaign to reach millions of low-propensity voters in battleground states Florida, Virginia and Pennsylvania.

Guests: Dolores Huerta, President, Dolores Huerta Foundation, Co-Founder, United Farm Workers, Bakersfield, CA; Jacqueline Garcia, Arizona State Campaign Director; Mijente PAC, Phoenix, AZ; Jaime Contreras, Vice President, 32BJ SEIU, Washington, DC.

Photo: Anaconda Street Productions/Facebook

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