Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, AUGUST 11
PROGRAM # 8972 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

One year ago, ICE agents targeted workers at several poultry plants in Mississippi, brutally arresting almost 700 immigrants and leaving behind broken families and traumatized communities. The raid coincided with the first week of school, and many children returned from classes to find empty homes. Many of those detained poultry workers had complained about wage theft and abuse by supervisors. In the massive raid, ICE arrested and deported potential worker victims and witnesses. Advocates raise the question of collusion between ICE, employers and White supremacists. Guest analysts report about the birth of a new immigrant-rights organization on the heels of the raids, and discuss its toll and the current efforts to provide legal aid to detainees and those under prosecution. This program also includes news about the Census start of the door-knocking phase of the count, the measures being considered by the Trump administration to ban US citizens who re-enter from Mexico over suspicions of being infected with coronavirus, and the call by an influential Republican donor to stop the stimulus package “marriage penalty” for mixed-status families.

Guests: Gerardo Guzmán, News Director, Hispanic News Service, Atlanta, GA; Lorena Quiroz, Co-Founder, Working Together MS, Immigrant Alliance for Justice and Equity of Mississippi, Jackson, MS; Salvador Sarmiento, Director of Campaigns, National Day Laborers Network, San Diego, CA.


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