Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324 12TUESDAY, AUGUST 4
PROGRAM # 8965 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

The US Citizenship and Immigration Services is announcing major fee hikes for people applying for citizenship, asylum, permanent residency and other immigration benefits, imposing more burdens on low-income immigrants and increasing the wait to become a citizen. An advocate talks about this and about a federal court decision blocking Trump’s “public charge” rule that bars low-income immigrants from public benefits. On other news, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights granted protective measures in favor of immigrants detained at the Washington State’s Tacoma Detention Center. An advocate also comments on ICE deportation flights that are exporting coronavirus to Latin American countries. Finally, a federal court in Atlanta reinstated a verdict against a former Bolivian President who lives in the US for the killing of dozens of indigenous protesters by the Bolivian Army.

Guests: Alejandra Gonza, Executive Director, Global Rights Advocacy, Seattle, WA; Oscar Chacón, Executive Director, Alianza Américas, Chicago, IL; Thomas Becker, Spokesperson, International Human Rights Clinic at Harvard Law School, Boston, MA.


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