Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324(2)TUESDAY, MARCH 24
PROGRAM # 8838 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

Immigrant advocates call on the Trump administration to stop blaming immigrants about the COVID-19 pandemic and instead focus on the public health crisis. In order to help protect public health, they urge the federal government to stop ICE operations, release immigrants in detention if social distancing cannot be guaranteed, suspend all flights of deportees and detainee transfers, protect human rights of asylum-seekers, and prevent the rise of hate crimes, fueled by Trump’s “Chinese virus” label. And on the controversial economic stimulus package that would grant subsidies and loans to save big industries such as airlines, a union leader calls on senators to “put the health and safety of its workers first and protect workers who are on the frontlines in the battle against coronavirus”.

Guests: Rocio Saenz, Executive Vice President, SEIU, Washington, D.C.; Dr. John Mckiernan-González, Jerome and Catherine Supple Professor of the Southwest Studies, Director, Center for the Study of the Southwest, Associate Professor, Texas State University, Austin, TX; Maru Mora Villapando, Director, Latino Advocacy, Tacoma, WA


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