Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, MARCH 10
PROGRAM # 8825 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

Immigrant advocates warn that federal policies such as the public charge rule, the deployment of special CBP agents in sanctuary cities, and the plans in Florida to make E-Verify a mandatory program are making immigrants more fearful and distrustful, they make it more difficult to stop the spread of Coronavirus, and put the general public at high risk. In this edition, analysts give recommendations to community organizers about how to continue public activities even under the threat of COVID-19, and advise the public about safe ways to participate in the Census count online and in the elections by mail. They also comment on the “Remain in Mexico” policy, now in limbo, and the attempts by the Trump administration to “dismantle the current immigration system, make it more opaque and hard to navigate, and instill fear among those seeking the benefit of citizenship” by spending big in a special denaturalization division.

Guests: Oscar Chacón, Co-Founder and Executive Director, Alianza Americas, Chicago, IL; Larry Kleinman, Political Analyst, PCUN, Host of “La Resistencia de Más Potencia”, Radio Poder, Salem, OR; Attorney Ariadna Rentería Torres, Executive Director, Immigrant Legal Services of the Central Coast Inc, Watsonville, CA


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