Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11
PROGRAM # 8801 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

Hundreds of asylum-seeking Salvadorans who were deported by the US were killed, raped or tortured after being returned to El Salvador, according to a newly released report. An author of the investigation gives the chilling details. On other story, Washington State is suing The GEO Group alleging the private prison company violated the state’s minimum wage law by paying immigrant detainees one dollar a day for cleaning, kitchen and other work. An incarcerated immigrant joins by phone from prison to talk about why he is suing. These and other stories are discussed in this weekly edition.

Guests: Elizabeth Kennedy, Co-Author of “Deported to Danger: US Deportation Policies Expose Salvadorans to Death and Abuse,” Human Rights Watch, Tegucigalpa, Honduras; Servando Alonso, Detained Immigrant, Plaintiff, Northwest Detention Center, Tacoma, WA.


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