Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17
PROGRAM # 8761 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

Marco Saavedra, an undocumented immigrant who came to the US as a child is now requesting political asylum as a human rights activist. Saavedra gained notoriety in 2012 after taking bold actions to protest immigration policies: he made himself arrested to infiltrate a private detention center for immigrants and he later self-deported himself with eight other Dreamers and locked in detention after reentering the US. On other news, beginning this week, undocumented immigrants can apply for driver’s licenses in New York State. Finally, in Washington, Democrats introduce a bill to “End the Criminalization of Immigration.”

Guests: Marco Saavedra, Immigrant-Rights Activist, Applicant for Political Asylum, New York, NY; Ariadna Rentería, Executive Director, Immigrant Legal Services of the Central Coast, Watsonville, CA.


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