Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10
PROGRAM # 8756 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

As Trump’s campaign prepares to repeat in 2020 the anti-immigrant scare tactics of 2016, candidates who attacked immigrants in recent elections in deep-red states failed to get elected. An analyst puts the elections in Virginia, Kentucky and Louisiana in perspective and comments on the impact among voters of Trump’s impeachment. And in this environment, how can pro-immigrant sectors effectively advance legislation that integrates and enfranchises immigrant communities? This is a conversation on the debate about seeking partial-reform compromises (such as the Farm Work Force Modernization Act, the Secure Act, the Dream and Promise Act) vs. demanding a comprehensive reform. Also, the lawyer of an immigrant father of four who was arrested by ICE while he was driving his kids to school talks about the irregularities of the arrest.

Guest: Larry Kleinman, Political Analyst, Radio Poder, Salem, OR; Linda Barreto, Professor of Law, San Joaquin College of Law, Director, New American Legal Clinic, Clovis, CA.


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