Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12
PROGRAM # 8736 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

Following coordinated walkouts in high schools and colleges all over the country, hundreds of immigrant-rights advocates gather in Washington to voice support for DACA, as the US Supreme Court convenes to hear oral arguments on Trump’s decision to end the program. Can the Court review the case? Did Donald Trump break the law? Justices seemed to be very divided in their opinions on this case. A legal expert comments on this and on the anticipated scenarios. Young activists attending the court hearing and the rally join this program and share opinions about the ambience and their expectations.

Guests: Juan Santiago, DACA Recipient, Fresno, CA; Carlos Bacerra-Prado, DACA Recipient, New York, NY; Adrian Escarate, DACA Recipient, Miami, FL; Araceli Martínez-Olguín, Staff Attorney, National Immigration Law Center, Washington, D.C.; (Audio Segments) Eliana Fernández, Plaintiff, McAleenan v. Vidal, Washington, DC; Xavier Becerra, Attorney General, State of California, Washington, DC; Letitia James, Attorney General, State of New York, Washington, DC.


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