Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5
PROGRAM # 8731 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

Bipartisan congressmembers unveil at Capitol Hill a new bill, the Farm Work Force Modernization Act, which allows farmworkers to earn legal status if they stay in agriculture and revise the H-2A guest worker program. The bill is the result of an unlikely compromise between grower organizations and unionized farmworkers. On other story: Attorney General Barr instructed immigration judges to no longer give deportation relief to immigrants with two convictions or more for in recent years driving under the influence. Finally, DACA recipients who are on day eleven of a 230-mile march to Washington join from Maryland to comment on their plans for next week’s Supreme Court hearing on DACA. Additionally, the program includes reports on the blocking by a judge of a health insurence requirement for new immigrants, the arrests of adults who take children to airports to board flights outside of the US, and the multiple breaches to Trump’s “impenetrable” border wall.

Guests: Ariadna Rentería, Executive Director, Immigrant Legal Services of the Central Coast, Watsonville, CA; Citlalli Bueno Lares, Original March Participant, DACA Recipient, Aberdeen, MD; Lydia Walther-Rodriguez, Baltimore Regional Director, CASA de Maryland, Baltimore, MD; Jesus Perez, Participant in the March, DACA Recipient, Member, CASA de Maryland, Baltimore, MD; Congressman TJ Cox, D-CA, Washington, DC.


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