Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29
PROGRAM # 8726 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

After legal experts demanded full disclosure on the process, he Trump administration reversed a decision to impose huge fines against immigrants who sought refuge in sanctuary churches. On other story, in Pomona, young organizers talk about their efforts to get local public schools to invest in ELL services instead of cops, and to provide mental health care to those under the toxic stress of the current anti-immigrant climate. And a civil rights expert talks about a recent report on the incarceration crisis that measures the human costs of immigrant confinement in Arizona.

Guests: Losmin Jiménez, Project Director and Senior Attorney, Immigrant Justice – Advancement Project, Washington, DC; Lizbeth Mateo, Immigration Attorney, Los Angeles, CA; Minerva Andreo Rodriguez, Pomona Student Union, Pomona, CA.


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