Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24
PROGRAM # 8701 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

The Trump administration is planning to make it harder for immigrants to appeal deportation cases by drastically raising the fees to onerous levels when they request to reopen their cases. On other news: Democratic congressmembers introduced a bill to strengthen protections for immigrants survivors of crime, including lifting caps on the number of U visas for undocumented immigrants witnesses and victims of violent crimes. On other story: a documentary titled The Unafraid and focusing on the lives of three young DACA Latinx is premiering on national TV next week. The film features the uphill fight of these Dreamers raised in Georgia for their right to higher education and the rights of their families and communities.

Guests: Nicole Avila, Attorney and Media Advocacy Committee, American Immigration Lawyers Association, Weston, FL; Anayansi Prado, co-director, The Unafraid Documentary , Los Angeles, CA


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