Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17
PROGRAM # 8696 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

The leader of a human rights organization in Honduras visits the US to talk about the US and Canadian foreign policies that exacerbate poverty and corruption and fuel the exodus of refugees from Honduras. Also, housing, transportation and wages protections for H2A migrant farmworkers are being threatened by proposed changes in federal regulations and guest-worker advocates call on the Department of Labor to correct course. This program also includes the following news: about 90 cities and counties launch today a number of coordinated activities to encourage immigrants to naturalize on National Citizenship Day, community organizations sue the federal government demanding to stop and eliminate the new “public charge” rule, and today Democratic Senators introduce a bill to block funding for implementation of the “public charge” measure.

Guests: Karen Spring, Coordinator in Honduras, Red de Solidaridad con Honduras, Canada,; Evy Peña, Communications Director, Centro de los Derechos del Migrante, Inc., Mexico City.


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