Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, AUGUST 13
PROGRAM # 8671 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

Nearly 700 immigrants were detained in poultry plants of Mississippi, in the largest single-state ICE raid. Children left behind are spending the night at schools; the federal action took place after immigrant workers tried to unionize against unsafe working conditions. On other story: As Trump’s lawyers argue in a federal court in Los Angeles against a court order that prohibited the ending of the temporary legal status for immigrants from El Salvador, Honduras, and other countries, supporters of TPS families rally outside. These and other news are discussed in this edition.

Guests: Gerardo Guzman, News Director, Hispanic News Service – HNS, Atlanta, GA;  Orlando Zepeda, TPS holder, a member of the National TPS Alliance, Los Angeles, CA; Mardoel Hernandez, Regional Coordinador, Alianza TPS in Maryland, Los Angeles, CA.


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