Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, JULY 30
PROGRAM # 8661 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

While US Southern border has been on the spotlight, Mexico’s Southern border is the scene of an intense humanitarian crisis, worsened by Mexico’s raids and deportations on migrants. A researcher who recently visited Chiapas shares his observations and comments on the news that Guatemala would require asylum seekers to apply for asylum there, instead of the US. Also, a state senator from New York explains a new law that provides historic labor protections to farm workers and comments on recent racist attacks by Trump against an African-American congressman who has been decrying mistreatment of migrants at the border. In other news, thanks to the action of a rapid responde network, a group of neighbors in Nashville formed a human chain around a vehicle to prevent ICE agents from arresting a neighbor and to help him enter his home. Finally, Motel 6 agreed to pay 10 million to settle a lawsuit to settle claims the company routinely shared information of Latino guests with ICE.

Guests: Dr. Miguel Tinker Salas, Professor of History, Pomona College, Los Angeles, CA; New York State Sen. Jessica Ramos, D-NYC, New York, NY; Camila Herrera, Director, Tennessee Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition – TIRRC, Nashville, TN; Andres Holguin-Flores, Staff Attorney, MALDEF, Los Angeles, CA.


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