Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, JULY 23
PROGRAM # 8656 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

In the face of Trump’s threats of federal raids, cities and advocates step up know-your-rights efforts while in Nashville, a well organized Rapid Response Network was able to form a human chain and stop the arrest of an immigrant father and his son. Also, civil rights lawyers are challenging the Trump administration’s new rules to bar asylum seekers and end asylum for Central Americans. And on another case, a farm worker and college student imprisoned at a detention center in California is suing federal authorities over his arrest after reading a poem critical of ICE at a county government meeting. On other news, groups in Seattle and other cities protest Amazon business ties with ICE.

Guests: Helena Olea, Human Rights Senior Advisor, Alianza America, Chicago, IL; Felipe Ventura, Software Engineer and Labor Organizer, Tech Workers Coalition on Amazon and ICE, Andorra, Europa; Stephanie Padilla, Staff Attorney, ACLU of Southern California, Bakersfield, CA.

Photo: SURJ – Oakland/Bay Area/Facebook

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