Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, JULY 16
PROGRAM # 8651 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

Federal authorities are sending the first mega-fines for up to almost 500,000 against undocumented mothers who have sought sanctuary at US churches and are refusing to leave the country. The targeted migrants join this program live from inside their sanctuaries about the “aberrant” mega-fines, their legal woes, and their current plans. On other news, President Trump escalated his racist attacks against Democratic congresswomen of color, asking them “go back where you came from;” and today goes into effect a new rule by the Trump administration banning from asylum to those migrants who cross through other country first.

Guests: Ingrid Encalada, Peruvian, Sheltered in Sanctuary Church, Boulder, CO; Maria Chavalan Sut, Guatemalan, Sheltered in Wesley Memorial United Methodist Sanctuary Church, Charlottesville, Virginia; Edith Espinal, Mexican, Sheltered in Mennonite Sanctuary Church, Columbus, Ohio; Jeanette Vizguerra, Mexican, Sheltered in First Unitarian Society Sanctuary Church, Denver, CO.


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