Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, JUNE 4
PROGRAM # 8621 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

The US House of Representatives is debating the HR 6 bill, the Dream and Promise Act; a vote on the floor is scheduled for the next two hours. Young Dreamers who lobby their congressmembers feel that this is a historic moment and join from Capitol Hill. In Racine, Wisconsin, the detention and deportation of a religious leader, leaving a DACA-recipient daughter behind, has sent shockwaves through her congregation and the local community. Finally, Californians will be allowed to continue using the state’s driver licenses to fly after the state was given a federal notification of full compliance with the REAL ID Act. Starting October, 2020, DHS will require passengers to show valid passport or REAL ID driver license to board domestic flights and access federal facilities.

Guests: Christine Neumann-Ortiz, Executive Director, Voces de la Frontera, Milwaukee, WI; Rosa Barrientos, Coordinator of CHIRLA Dreamer Delegation to Washington, College Student, DACA Recipient, Washington, DC; Gaby Clatenco, CHIRLA Delegate to Washington, High School Student, Dreamer, Washington, DC.


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