Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, MAY 28
PROGRAM # 8616 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

President Trump is ordering federal agencies to enforce a law requiring noncitizens or the sponsors of green card holders to reimburse the government for welfare benefits. On other news, a House Committee passed a bill which seeks to protect Dreamers and beneficiaries of TPS and DED, and it’s now heading to the House floor for a vote. Also, the Hispanic Caucus in Congress blasts Republican Sen. Lindsay Graham’s new bill that would harden asylum laws and increase detention of migrant children. Finally, in segments culled from our historic archives, pioneering immigrant champions share comments or anecdotes about the uses of the “public charge” concept to restrict immigration and citizenship.

Guests: Jackie Vimo, Policy Analyst, National Immigration Law Center-NILC, Orlando, FL; audio of Rep. Raul Ruiz, D-CA, Washington, D.C.; (audio segment) Bert Corona, Founder, Hermandad Mexicana Nacional, Los Angeles, CA; (audio segment) Gilbert Padilla, Co-founder, United Farm Workers of America, Fresno, CA.


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