Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, MAY 21
PROGRAM # 8611 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

As a Republican Senator introduced a bill to dramatically increase detention of migrant children, President Trump unveiled an immigration plan that ignores DACA and boosts border security and moves toward a merit-based system, preferring professional skills. On other news, the conservative government of Kern County held the second forum as required by California’s Truth Act, where the controversial sheriff’s office gave an account about transfers of detainees to ICE. This program includes voices of participants in the heated exchange. Finally, well-known community organizer Nativo López passed away in los Angeles and commentators and political leaders remember his decades-long work for immigrant justice.

Guests: Christian Penichet-Paul, Policy and Advocacy Manager, National Immigration Forum, Washington, D.C.; Sulma Arias, Immigration Field Director, Community Change Action, Washington, D.C..; (Audio Cut) Nativo Lopez, Director, Hermandad Mexicana Latinoamericana, Los Angeles, CA; (Audio Cuts) Dr. Gonzalo Santos, Sociologist and Social Activist, Bakersfield, CA; María Hernández, Leticia Prado, Araceli Ocampo, TRUTH Forum, Bakersfield, CA.


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