Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, APRIL 30
PROGRAM # 8596 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

The FBI arrested in New Mexico the leader of a right-wing armed group that was detaining and terrorizing migrants at gunpoint. Did border agents collude with the paramilitary band to round up migrants? On other news, the Trump administration is planning to allow low-level agents to deport via fast-track non-citizens who have lived in the US. Analysts also comment on the case of the Massachussets judge who faces federal charges of obstruction after allowing an immigrant escape ICE, as well as Trump’s memo ordering tough new measures against asylum applicants, and the deployment to the Souther border of new troops who will be allowed to be in contact with detained migrants. Analysts comment on these stories.

Guests: Larry Kleinman, Political Analyst, Radio Program Host, Co-Founder, PCUN, Woodburn, OR; Debbie Nathan, Immigration Reporter, The Appeal, El Paso, TX; Fernando García, Executive Director, Border Network for Human Rights, El Paso, TX

Photo: angelservicescsp.blogspot

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