Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, APRIL 23
PROGRAM # 8591 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

As Central American asylum-seekers are being disparaged by the White House, a columnist gives insights on why women in Honduras have to run for their life to the US border. Also, a journalist reports on federal threats to prosecute a Good Samaritan in Texas after she was caught helping saving the life of migrants in the desert. Finally, a national leader of the organized farm labor movement talks about a renewed push in the US Congress for Blue Cards to help legalize farm workers. She comments on her efforts to bring support from influential Ag Business leaders to overcome Republican resistance, and gives comments on the increasing reliance on H2A guest-worker programs.

Guests: Sonia Nazario, Author of the Book “La Travesía de Enrique” and Opinion Writer for The New York Times, Los Angeles, CA; Debbie Nathan, Journalist, The Appeal, El Paso, TX; Teresa Romero, National President, United Farm Workers of America – UFW, Bakersfield, CA.

Photo: Sonia Nazario

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