Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, APRIL 16
PROGRAM # 8586 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

Civil rights leaders issued a travel alert for those traveling to Florida, warning them about possible racial profiling and detention and deportation if controversial bills become law. Also, in Arkansas, the governor signed into law a bill that makes Dreamers eligible for in-state tuition fees, and another bill that allows DACA beneficiaries to get nursing licenses, while at the same time promising that he will approve an “anti-sanctuary city” law. On other news: an analyst comments on the immigration court in El Paso, called “ground zero” for its highest record of rejections for asylum seekers, and about the calls some reformers are making to hire more immigration judges to deal with the massive backlog of cases. These and other stories are discussed with prominent analysts in this edition.

Guests: Melissa Taveras, Spokesperson, Florida Immigrant Coalition, Miami, FL; Carlos Spector-Calderon, Immigration Attorney, El Paso, TX; Rosa Velasquez, Director of Advocacy, United Arkansas, Springdale, AR.


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