Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, APRIL 2
PROGRAM # 8576 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

An advocate for Central Americans comments on the real scope of a recent agreement between DHS’s secretary Nielsen and government officials from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, and on the new migrant caravan, as President Trump announces he will cut out all humanitarian aid to three Central American countries. She also comments on the impact on asylum seekers of the “Remain in Mexico” policy. In addition, a news contributor reports on the harsh living conditions for migrant families interned in an improvised camp surrounded by razor wire under an international bridge in El Paso. On other news: a young Dreamer activist talks about what it would mean for her the passage of the new DREAM Act in the US Senate. This program also features a recorded dialogue when an immigrant advocate who transported two undocumented immigrants refused to open his car’s window to ICE agents who, while they provided an arrest order, they did not show a court order signed by a judge.

Guests: Helena Olea, Human Rights Senior Advisor, Alianza Americas, Chicago, IL; Debbie Nathan, Immigration Reporter, The Appeal, El Paso, TX; Michelle Murguía, Lead Organizer, New Mexico Dream Team, Albuquerque, NM; (Audio Segment) Bryan MacCormick, Columbia County Sanctuary Movement, Columbia, NY.


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