Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, MARCH 5
PROGRAM # 8556 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

Citizenship applications backlogs are growing fast and have reached record highs and wait times have increased, preventing hundreds of thousands from becoming citizens. Advocacy groups are preparing a campaign to topple this “Second Wall.” On other news: in a departure from his predecessor, Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers proposes to restore driver licenses and in-state tuition for immigrants in the state. And DHS Secretary Nielsen is about to face questions from congress members investigating charges of official deception and mistreatment in detention facilities. Also, seven of the almost 100 immigrant workers who were arrested last year during a mass raid in a meat processing plant in East Tennessee sued the ICE agents, alleging they abused their power and violated their constitutional rights.

Guests: Christine Neumann-Ortiz, Executive Director, Voces de la Frontera, Milwaukee, WI; Diego Iñiguez-Lopez, Policy and Communications Associate, National Partnership for New Americans-NPNA, Washington, D.C.; Julia Solórzano, Skadden Fellow, Southern Poverty Law Center, Atlanta, CA.


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