Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, JANUARY 15
PROGRAM # 8521 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

The federal shutdown is in its 24th day and Donald Trump says it could go “for months or years,” until he gets his money for the wall because “the border is in crisis.” On other stories: a new migrant caravan heads north from Honduras; immigration court backlogs grow as the shutdown has forced to cancel over 42,000 immigration hearings; and William Barr, Trump’s nominee to Attorney General, faces questions today in the US senate about the border policy of zero tolerance. A US lawmaker also comments on plans in the US House to combat corruption and protect the vote. He also comments on efforts to defend ACA and people with pre-existing conditions, and his choice for a “public option” health care plan for the nation.

Guests: Oscar Chacón, Executive Director, Alianza Américas, San Salvador, El Salvador; US Rep. Raúl Ruiz, US House, D-CA, Washington, DC.


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