Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18
PROGRAM # 8501 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

This Christmas season, a Catholic Church in Massachusetts is placing a metal cage around a figure of baby Jesus in their traditional nativity scene to raise awareness about migrant children. Experts join this program to comment on the toxic stress and the mental health crisis afflicting the children of immigrants and impacts entire communities at a time of zero tolerance policies, express deportations and forced family separation. They provide recommendations to reform policies and practices for federal, state, and local governments. They also comment on the calls to investigate the recent death of dehydration of a 7-year old Guatemalan girl while in custody of Customs and Border Patrol.

Guests: Nora Sandigo, Executive Director, Children Foundation, Miami, FL; Dr. Yolanda Suárez Baltazar, Professor, Department Head, Occupational Therapy, Disability and Human Development, University of Illinois, Outgoing Chair, Society for Community Research and Action – ACA, Chicago, IL; Dr. Dana Rusch, Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, member, Dissemination and Implementation Research and Policy Program, University of Illinois, Chicago, IL; Martha Sánchez, Community Organizing Coordinator, La Unión del Pueblo Entero – LUPE, San Juan, TX.


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