Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11
PROGRAM # 8496 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

As US troops extend their deployment along the Mexican border, thousands of Honduran migrants face a humanitarian crisis and some camped out in front of an international gate staging a hunger strike. A migrant hunger striker joins this program. On other story, as required by California’s TRUTH Act, a TRUTH Forum was held in Kern County, where representatives of controversial sheriff Youngblood, faced a number of questions from the public on the Sheriff’s collaboration with ICE. And a legal expert comments on the ramifications of an explosive story by the New York Times, revealing the testimony of undocumented migrant women who have worked at President Trump’s golf club in New Jersey. And Dolores Huerta comments on the meeting in the Oval Office where Trump threatened with a government shutdown over border wall money.

Guests: Alex Castro, Migrant, Participant in Honduran Exodus, Hunger Striker, Tijuana, MX; Carmen Burgos, Project Manager, Greater Bakersfield Legal Assistance, Bakersfield, CA; Dolores Huerta, President, Dolores Huerta Foundation, Delano, CA; Abogado Ruben Luis Reyes, Member, Board of Directors, American Immigration Lawyers Association Board of Governors, Phoenix, AZ.


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