Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30
PROGRAM # 8460 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

A national leader of Latino journalists met with an influential news agency to decry the language used to describe a caravan of Central American migrants. He reports on the meeting, he also talks about other common anti-immigrant derogatory terms and the language of hatred used by politicians and reproduced by media and that contributed to recent acts of terror. On other story, in the days leading to the election, campaigns around the nation escalate anti-immigrant ads in a last-minute effort to drive their hardline voters to the polls, while Trump sends thousands of troops to the border and promises to end birthright citizenship for the children of immigrants. And an immigrant advocate talks about how US-born children and young immigrants in mixed-status families may play a significant role in this election.

Guests: Hugo Balta, National President, National Hispanic Journalist Association, West Hartford, CT; Cristina Tsintzun Ramirez, Founder, JOLT Texas, Austin, TX; Cristina Jiménez, Executive Director, United We Dream, Washington, DC.


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