Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23
PROGRAM # 8455 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

Two weeks before Election Day, immigration is back as a wedge issue in campaigns throughout the US, as President Trump alleged without evidence that a caravan of Honduran migrants that are heading to the US includes unknown people from the Middle East and from MS13, threatened to cut aid to three Central American countries, and threatened to send troops to close the border. On other topic, analysts comment on the record turnout in the first day of early voting in Florida, Texas, and Georgia. Also, in Georgia voting rights groups challenge the attempt by the Secretary of State, who is also a candidate for governor, to leave tens of thousands of voters, most of them African American, in limbo. Finally, civic groups call on Latinos not to suppress their own vote by staying home, reach out to immigrants to get them involved in volunteering for campaigns to get out the vote, and give suggestions to listeners on how to vote by mail.

Guests: Adelina Nicols, Executive Director, Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights, Atlanta, GA; Angelica Salas, Executive Director, CHIRLA – Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights, Los Angeles, CA.


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