Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18
PROGRAM # 8427 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

On Citizenship Day, mayors from across the country launch a major campaign to help the growing number of immigrants in their efforts to become US citizens and release a report detailing the economic benefits that cities gain when immigrants become citizens. Also, they announce lawsuit against the federal government over the huge backlog of naturalization applications. On other story: at the start of hurricane season, the Trump administration moved millions from FEMA, the agency in charge of hurricane and natural disaster response, to pay for detention of immigrants. Also, warning that the Trump administration shows an animus against immigrants, a federal judge gives the green light to a lawsuit challenging the end of TPS. On another topic, a state senator who advocates for public health insurance for Californians is lending support to unionized workers of the largest raisin processor in the world who went on strike over health insurance benefits.

Guests: Pili Tobar, Managing Director, America’s Voice, Washington, DC; Magaly Arteaga, Legal Services Trainer, National Partnership for New Americans, Chicago, IL; Alicia Vela, Sun-Maid Growers Striking Worker, Shop Steward for Teamsters Union, Kingsburg, CA; Sen. Dr. Ed Hernandez, D-22, Los Angeles, CA.


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