Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4
PROGRAM # 8417 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

Analysts comment on what the passing of Sen. McCain means for the future of immigration reform. Also, Mollie Tibbetts’ family condemns the use of her death for political gain and to fuel hatred against immigrants. On other topic, cases of passport denials and revocations against people whose official birth documents show they were born in the US border region are multiplying. Also, migrant-rights advocates hail the preliminary US-Mexico free trade agreement, anticipating stronger protections for migrant workers under labor laws. And a raid by federal agents, announced as an operation against the MS 13 gang, brought new fears in Salvadoran farm working communities in the San Joaquin Valley and spurred activist lawyers to step in. Finally, a conservative judge in Texas refused to block the DACA program and now Dreamers can still renew their permits.

Guests: Larry Kleinman, Political Analyst, Veteran Immigrant-Rights Organizer, Washington, CA; Aida Macedo, Co-Director, National Lawyers Guild – California Central Valley, Fresno, CA; Evy Peña, communications director, Centro de Derechos del Migrante, Mexico City.


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