Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, AUGUST 21
PROGRAM # 8407 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

Officials in charge of naturalizing immigrants have reportedly been coordinating with deportation agents to set traps and arrest undocumented immigrants married to US citizens when they show up for legalization interviews. On other news: many weary DACA recipients whose permit expires this year have not yet applied for renewal; retired immigration judges started a fund to pay for legal representation of immigrant families; a bus with TPS recipients travel from Los Angeles to Washington to call on Trump and Congress to find solution to the TPS crisis; Dallas has launched initiatives to welcome immigrants and help them become active citizens; and teacher union leaders are calling divest pension funds from hedge funds that invest in private prisons that profit from immigrant detention.

Guests: Attorney Rosalba Piña, Immigration Law Expert, Chicago, IL; Wendy Carrillo, California Assemblymember, Los Angeles, CA.


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