Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, AUGUST 14
PROGRAM # 8402 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

In a large federal operation, ICE agents arrested 147 in raids on farms in Nebraska and Minnesota, leaving a trail of anguish and separated families in its wake. Also, an analyst says Trump’s massive raids and deportation plans are intended to instill fear and force immigrants to self-deport or go into hiding. It’s the formula of the three Ds: Depórtate, Deténte, Desmovilizate. Living life as usual is the best form of resistance, he says, after discussing the role of the courts and civil society to reign on the powers of the executive and legislative branches.

Guests: Alejandra Ayotitla, Community Organizer, Nebraska Appleseed, Lincoln, NE; Hector Flores, Chair, Immigration Committee, League of United Latin American Citizens –LULAC, Dallas, TX; Larry Kleinman, Immigration Policy Analyst, Woodburn, OR.


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