Prosecutorial Discretion?


PROGRAM # 7476 12:00 PM PT

Prosecutorial Discretion?

Immigration authorities are still detaining and deporting immigrants who may be eligible for DACA and DAPA, in spite of recent guidelines issued by the Obama Administration. A Mennonite Pastor and father of four US citizen children was recently detained by ICE in Iowa. What are the consequences for those officers who do not follow the new policies, as stated by President Obama? In addition, a lawmaker reaches out to potential DACA and DAPA beneficiaries in an effort to help them get prepared to apply.

Guests: Gloria Villatoro, Mother of Four US Citizen Children and Wife of Detained Immigrant, Iowa City, IA; Marcela Hurtado, President, Center for Workers Justice of Eastern Iowa, Iowa City, IA,; Rep. Luis Gutiérrez, D-Chicago, Washington, DC.

Photo: cfpereda/Flickr

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