Deported to Death.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, JUNE 21.
PROGRAM # 7809 12:00 PM PT

Deported to Death.

A young migrant who had fled his native Honduras to escape death threats was deported early this year and was recently murdered by marauding gangs. His death has added fuel to the debate on renewed immigration raids against Central American mothers and children, the failures of the asylum process, the legal representation for young refugees, and government protection for families of crime victims in Central America. This is a follow up on Radio Bilingüe’s exclusive report on the death of Erick Castro.

Guests: Lilian Peña, Mother of Erick Castro, Los Angeles, CA; Emi MacLean, Attorney, National Day Laborer Organizing Network, Los Angeles, CA; Fred Morris, Pastor, North Hills United Methodist Church, North Hills, CA; Attorney Rosalba Piña, Immigration Law Expert, Chicago, IL.


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