
With the budget showdown dominating the debate in Washington, immigration reform has taken a back seat. In an effort to keep the talk going, Democratic leaders introduced a comprehensive immigration reform bill in the House. The bill resembles what the Senate approved in June, and includes provisions previously supported by House Republicans. We analyze the new bill and its future with elected leaders.

Guests: Rep. Joe García, U.S. Congressman representing Florida’s 26thdistrict; Washington, DC, ; Rep. Jeff Denham, U.S. Congressman representing California’s 10th district, Washington, DC, ; Rep. Xavier Becerra, U.S. Congressman representing California’s 34th district, Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, Washington, DC,


ALSO, MEXICAN TOWN STILL UNDER SIEGE. Residents of Tepalcatepec, in the Mexican state of Michoacán report that after six months, their town continues blocked off and under siege by organized crime bands. They say that federal and state authorities remain unwilling to solve the many murders, kidnappings and violations of human rights that are taking place on a daily basis, and provide protection to the public. As a result, more towns have taken arms to defend themselves. Federal and state authorities are being invited to this program.

Guests: Manuel Mireles, member of the Citizen Council of Self-Defense of Tepalcatepec, Michoacán; Rolando López Rodríguez, Chief, Attorney General’s Regional Office, Apatzingán, Michoacán.


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