DACA: Next Steps.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12
PROGRAM # 8152 12:00 PM PST.

DACA: Next Steps.

A major university in California filed a lawsuit challenging the end of DACA, following on the heels of similar lawsuits by Dreamers and several states. Also, civil and human rights leaders ramp up pressure on Congress to pass the Dream Act without strings attached. And California is about to become a sanctuary state, after high level agreements, and legislators propose bills to protect the now vulnerable DACA people. An analyst comments on the legislative battle in Congress around the Dreamers and its potential impact on the House in 2018.

Guest: Larry Kleinman, Adviser/Consultant, National Partnership for New Americans, Radio Host, KPCN-Radio Movimiento, Woodburn, OR; Xavier Becerra, Attorney General, State of California, Sacramento, CA.

Photo: wnyc.org

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