Continuing Mother’s Fight. Also, Hondurans in Tijuana.


PROGRAM # 8485 12:00 PM PT

Continuing Mother’s Fight.

Bertha Zúñiga, daughter of assassinated Lenca indigenous leader Bertha Cáceres, speaks about the legacy of her mother and the quest to bring her assassins to justice. Zúñiga is now the leader of the organization founded by her mother to advocate for women rights and the ancestral rights of her Indian people to water and lands. She was interviewed in San Francisco, where her mother was recognized with the “Green Nobel” prize three years ago.

Guest: Bertha Zúñiga, President, Consejo Cívico de Organizaciones Populares e Indígenas de Honduras, San Francisco, CA.

Hondurans in Tijuana. Thousands of migrants from Honduras have arrived to Tijuana in search for asylum. And while many Tijuanans have welcomed caravan-members with food and clothes, some, including “Tijuana-First” politicians, are protesting against the migrants.

Guest: Enrique Morones, Director, Border Angels, San Diego, CA.


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