Sanctuary Cities, Sanctuary State.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, MARCH 14
PROGRAM # 8017 12:00 PM PST.

Sanctuary Cities, Sanctuary State.

Spurred by a citizen movement, Salinas, a small city in Central California, is taking legal action to protect the city and all other cities against the funding cuts threatened by President Trump against sanctuary cities. In this challenge, Salinas joins San Francisco, New York and Los Angeles. Also, California lawmakers are considering bills to become the nation’s first “sanctuary state.” Community activist descend on the state capitol to urge legislators to act.

Guests: Tony Barrera, Councilmember, District 2, Salinas, CA; Ismael Cortez, Community Activist, Stockton, CA; Arturo Palato, Community Organizer, Faith in Action, Modesto, CA


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