Celebrating Mother’s Day.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, MAY 13
PROGRAM # 8605 12:00 PM PT

Celebrating Mother’s Day.

After being deported to Mexico, a migrant mother was able to reunite with her kids by boldly showing up at the border aboard a bus with members of a caravan of transnational activists. Three years later, she continues living with her now teen kids in New York, filled with gratitude but also with fears of losing her legal protections. How is she celebrating Mother’s Day? In addition, a migrant leader talks about the challenges in the life of deported mothers.

Guest: Myrna Lazcano, Janitor, Formerly Deported, New York, NY; Atala Chávez, Spokesperson, Asamblea Popular de Familias Migrantes – APOFAM, Mexico City.

Photo: Global Exchange/Facebook

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