“Public Charge”: The Chilling Effect.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12
PROGRAM # 8693 12:00 PM PT

“Public Charge”: The Chilling Effect.

A new rule that expands the government’s definition of “public charge” targets millions of legal immigrants who are enrolled in social programs. Immigrants who use benefits like food stamps, Medicaid, and public housing would be at risk of being denied entry or green cards. There are reports of general fear and confusion among worried immigrant families, who now think twice before seeking social services. What’s in the new rule? How is it affecting immigrant communities? What’s the impact on hospitals and clinics that serve immigrant patients? Will the courts delay or stop implementation of the new rule? What bills are being advanced in Congress to deny federal funding for the new rule? What can immigrants do in the meantime? Experts join this radio roundtable to give insights.

Guests: Rep. Norma Torres, D-CA, Washington, DC; Maria Reyes, Community Health Educator , La Clínica de La Raza , Oakland, CA; Allison Davenport, Supervising Attorney, Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC), San Francisco, CA; Jackie Vimo, Policy Analyst, National Immigration Law Center , Washington, DC.

Photo: opportunityagenda.org

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